When I first started reading the disassembled code from the 2465, I was surprised at how it was structured. I grew up on the Z80, which, while only a couple of years “younger” than the MC6800, has a lot of additional instruction set features that I didn’t know to miss until I started reading MC6800 code.

MC6800 registers

The MC6800 has a fairly small set of registers:

Name Width Purpose
A 8 bits Accumulator
B 8 bits Accumulator
X 16 bits Index register
PC 16 bits Program counter
SP 16 bits Stack pointer
SR 8 bits Status register

However, as microcontrollers go this doesn’t actually look too bad.

The stack pointer is a full 16 bits, so the stack can be anywhere in memory and can use any amount of available memory. This is as opposed to e.g. the 6502, which has an 8 bit stack pointer and fixes the stack from 0x0100-0x01FF.

There are two 8 bit accumulators which makes it easy to e.g. do arithmetic on two 8 bit values.

The addressing modes are for the most part reasonable.

  • The A, B and X registers can be loaded from and stored to arbitrary immediate addresses (whether 8 or 16 bit).
  • A and B can be loaded from the other.
  • X can be loaded from SP and vice versa.
  • X can be used with offsets to e.g. index into structure fields.

No reentrant programming

What’s missing in the MC6800 instruction set, is any practical way to implement reentrant programming12.

The problem isn’t with the register set, but rather with the instruction set and addressing modes. There’s simply no practical way to store the X to the stack, nor to load it from the stack.

If only there were

  • PSH X
  • PUL X

instructions, or alternatively some way to load and store X from A and B, everything would work out fine.

Also, if it were possible to indirect SP with offset, e.g.

  • LDA A, 0x4,S
  • STA A, 0x4,S

it would be at least possible to pass arguments and store locals on stack. Alas, index addressing mode is exclusive to the X register.

All told, what this means is that there’s no practical way to pass arguments and store local variables on the stack, which leads to code that largely has to:

  • pass arguments in globals
  • store temporaries in globals
  • return results in globals

e.g. non-reentrant code.

This is not to say that registers can’t be used for those purposes, but what can be done with registers is quite limited, especially X.

All of this leads to this sort of code:

        word ADD_X_B(word x, byte b)
            word              X:2            <RETURN>
            word              X:2            x
            byte              B:1            b
        TPA                 ; Save SR in A
        SEI                 ; Disable interrupts
        STX        TMP_X    ; Store X in a temporary
        ADDB       TMP_X+1  ; Add B to LSB of temporary.
        STAB       TMP_X+1  ; Store LSB sum to the temporary.
        BCC        NO_CARRY
        INC        TMP_X    ; Increment MSB of temporary
                            ; on carry.
        LDX        TMP_X    ; Load sum.
        TAP                 ; Restore SR (possibly
                            ; re-enabling interrupts)

Since this is a general utility function and the code is non-reentrant, it has to protect against reentrancy by disabling interrupts.

It’s not all bad

For the purposes of reverse engineering this isn’t all that bad. Since globals are used so widely, once a global that passes an argument or returns a result has been discovered, all uses of the global show up as references in Ghidra.

As a case in point, this does allow relatively easy discovery of most on-screen-display (OSD) strings once the function writing strings to the OSD was discovered.

I’d hate to code to this ISA, though.

  1. It’s worth noting that the successor to the MC6800, the MC6809 remedied this by adding a whole lot of addressing modes, as well as a push instruction that can push any register. 

  2. Even the MC6801 has the fix in with PSHX and PULX